
Harrisburg, PA – Last week the State Legislature overwhelming voted in favor of House Bill 103 (HB103). Once enacted, HB103 would make it a crime for criminals to spit or throw bodily fluids at law enforcement officers during an arrest. Despite the broad bipartisan support, Allegheny County State Senator Lindsey Williams (D), was one of six Senators to vote against the legislation.


“Senator Lindsey Williams votes against law enforcement measures that would help keep our police officers safe. Also, these measures were all passed on a bipartisan vote,” PA SRCC Communications Director Michael Straw pointed out.


Senator Williams stood against these commonsense police-protection measures since she was elected:

  1. SB814 – This legislation which is now law increased penalties for criminals who injure or kill a police officer while being pursued on foot.
  2. HB103 – Once signed into law, would make it a crime to spit at or throw bodily fluid at a police officer during an arrest.
  3. HB940 – Titan’s Law, expands penalties for when a police animal is injured or killed during an arrest.

Thankfully, State Representative Lori Mizgorski, the Republican candidate challenging Senator Williams, co-sponsored HB103 and voted in favor of this measure that stands behind law enforcement. Also, Representative Mizgorski is backed by local FOP lodges: FOP Pitt #1 Lodge & FOP County of Allegheny Lodge 91.


“The choice is clear, if you support our law enforcement and you’re concerned with their safety, then Rep. Lori Mizgorski is your choice for State Senate,” finished Michael Straw.